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Showing posts from May, 2019

Self proclaimed as forever disney girl 🙋

I’m a disney fan. well.. I know everybody does, but I AM A HUGE FAN. i still  remember their songs, every scenes even the classic one. I think the 1st disney movie i watched is mulan. I was very impressed back then, i can even sing with same expression like the movie does. And ofcourse i dance to the music too. I admit that i was so silly but it's so fun. I feel like a princess for a while lol😄😄 From mulan to moana. From 90's untill now, i still excited with every movie that disney drops. Maybe you guys already know that Lion king will be remake and release in next july. Yes! Do you still remember any songs from lion king? Dont ask me, because of course i knew 'em all. the whole songs from it is my favoritosss 😄 i personally thought, disney made great master pieces with all sountracks on lion king movie. I've always got goosebump whenever see it. Lemme tell you that i've been watched it over and over like maybe 50 times? Lol. But i do love lion king so muc...

Berita duka

Bulan Ramadan kali ini terasa sedikit berbeda. Terutama untuk saya pribadi. Suasananya terasa murung dan penuh dengan kesedihan sebab datangnya berita duka. Silih berganti berita itu hinggap ditelinga. Para sahabat mengalami duka dalam. Ada yang kehilangan ibu, beberapa kehilangan Ayahnya. Selain itu, yang menderita sakit fisik juga banyak tersampaikan beritanya. Sungguh murung ketika saya mendengarkan duka yang datang bertubi-tubi itu. Bisa kamu bayangkan, betapa sakit dan hampa yang akan terpatri di hati setelah kita di tinggal pergi seseorang yang amat berarti? Sepertinya tak ada seorangpun di dunia yang benar-benar mampu menerjemahkan perasaaan sedih itu pada kita. Bahkan ketika saya sendiri sudah mengalami kehilangan, merasa tetap tidak mampu menggambarkan sedihnya. Yang saya ketahui, sedih itu semakin ingin kita buang jauh kemana saja, malah ia membangun rumahnya sendiri di sudut hati. Dan ia entah bagaimana ceritanya bisa kian menjadi kokoh, saya pun sesekali melongok kedala...

The one who care less

I've often heard that people only start wanting you when they think that you don’t want ‘em. It’s true because I’ve lived by it. Wheter it’s businness or friendship or especially romantic relationship. The person who care less always seems to be the person who has the most power. At least that’s what it might feel like for the person that cares more. But I question wheter this true or not. “I have been called the ‘Queen of not giving a shit’. One if my many talents is that I am really good at both, not actually caring as well as acting I don’t care. Just yesterday, some friends and I were talking about magic spell, “if yoy never take it seriously, you’ll never get hurt.” It wouldn’t be the 1st time I’ve ultimately come off as cynical about relationship. People thinks it stem from really caring. On the contrary it stems from fear caring too much.“ “I know how to be the person who doesn’t text back, who doesn’t call back, who give you thousand shitty reasons that is non sense, wh...